The Most Commonly Replaced Parts On Golf Carts | Golf Cart Maintenance

Aug. 15 2021 Carts and Accessories By Cart Barn

Just like any vehicle you might own, golf carts need regular maintenance and are eventually bound to need a repair part or two. It’s just the cycle of life (of your cart’s life) … wear and tear from everywhere you take it, every game of golf you play, and every adventure that would be a whole lot less exciting if you didn’t have a cart to take you there.

Here at CartBarn, we get it (probably even more than most folks do) because we’re the ones that can service and repair your cart to keep it in pristine condition and keep you on the road (or course).

Whether you’re a current golf cart owner or someone looking into one for the future, you’ve got to know what could possibly cause a speed bump in your cart’s condition. So let’s get to it. What are the most commonly replaced parts on golf carts? Here you go!

Golf Cart Windshields

Just like the windshield of your car, golf cart windshields can get scratched, dinged, and cracked. This is especially likely if you live in an area where there is new construction of houses where there are more rocks, dirt, and tons of other natural materials that can do damage to a windshield.

It’s especially important to get a windshield repaired as soon as possible and to never drive with a cracked or damaged windshield. 


Another commonly replaced part in a golf cart are the brakes. They squeak, they grind, and the brake pedal can nearly touch the floor when your brakes need a repair.

Keep an eye out for any signs of your brakes going out and be sure to keep them regularly maintenanced during service appointments. And when you are in need of a brake repair, our service technicians can fix them in a jiffy.

LED Lights

Headlight out? Flood lights need a fix? Most golf carts come equipped with lights these days, but they’re not always LED (our favorite). Whether you already have LED lights of some sort on your cart or are looking to replace the lights you have with LED, we’re on the job!

And what’s best is there are tons of LED light options available, so you can add what you want, where you want it on your cart.

  • Light Kits (Full kits include headlights, taillights, and wiring harnesses)
  • Flood Lights
  • Spotlights
  • LED Light Bars

Battery Cables

Providing the essential link between battery, load, and charging system, battery cables are always being used when your cart is running, meaning they have a higher likelihood to also go sometime within the lifetime of your cart. These cables can become corroded and dirty over time and can become damaged.

Always check your battery cable connections when filling up your lead acid batteries with water. Always make sure the connection is tight and secure because a loose connection can cause the terminal to melt and that would mean replacing a battery.

Even before your battery cables begin to cause you trouble, it’s a good idea to replace them regularly to prevent any issues.

The Battery

Batteries aren’t meant to last forever, it’s in their nature. In fact, depending on the type of battery you have in your cart, lead-acid batteries last 4-5 years with good maintenance and lithium batteries will last up to two times that of lead acid batteries. Here are some signs that it could be time for a new battery in your cart.

  • If your cart takes twice as long to charge as it did when you first purchased your cart (or a new battery), it could be time for a replacement.
  • Losing power quicker than normal. 
  • If the acceleration of your cart just isn’t what it used to be, check the battery first. It could be the cause of the issue.

Regular maintenance on your cart’s battery can certainly help the longevity of it, so be sure to have regular services on your vehicle.

CartBarn Can Fix That!

Not only can our experienced technicians replace any of these common parts on your vehicle, but they can also help avoid many of these common issues. With regular service and a well-maintained cart, there’s no question you can improve the longevity of your vehicle as a whole.

Here at CartBarn, we offer a slew of services during all seasons to help keep your cart pristine. Whether you need year-round concierge service to ensure your vehicle will also start up and be its best the next time you use it, a mobile service that comes to you wherever you (and your cart) are, or off-season storage and monthly maintenance, CartBarn is here for you!